Thursday, September 05, 2013

A pale reflection of #Toronto

The glass walls of the new condos and office towers gleam in the sunlight and reflect back a sliver of the city. Window cleaners go giddy with excitement, each tower a lucrative location for a squeegee and a wet towel. In London, England a tower nicknamed the Walkie Talkie focuses light on a small spot that moves with the circling sun, the concentrated light so hot it melts plastic and cooks eggs (it also started to burn the cooks hair, so he had to beat a hasty retreat). 
In Toronto we have a building that is shaped like an hockey stick and is known as the L Tower sitting beside the Sony Centre on Front and Yonge Streets. It kind of reminds me of the Walkie Talkie and I wonder if it will soon be cooking up a storm on the sidewalk?

Cleaning on a rope and a prayer

A long line of suspended platforms dangle down the side of a tower, typical of cleaning the higher buildings
Old City Hall Courthouse 

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