Thursday, January 30, 2025

Mirvish Come From Away at the Royal Alexandra Theatre

I finally went to the Mirvish production of Come From Away playing at Toronto's Royal Alexandra Theatre on King Street in the Entertainment District and it was a very enjoyable, fast paced musical that highlights Canada's role when North America's air travel stopped during 9/11. You can find balcony tickets for as little as $49, or look for some other sale (I did a two for one deal).
Finding our seats before the show starts
Written by Canadians Irene Sankoff and David Hein, the story follows local residents reacting to the 38 planes that were grounded at Gander International Airport in Newfoundland on September 11, 2001 as a direct result of airplanes under the control of terrorists targeting buildings in the United States. The approximate 6,500 passengers doubled the population in the area and were taken in by the local communities for several days. Rather than being overwhelmed by the influx of unexpected guests, the locals set to work finding lodging, food, clothes and other support for the stranded passengers.
Roy Thomson Hall
Getting in early - front row of the balcony

The theatre itself is gorgeous, a national historic landmark on King Street West right across from Metro Hall and Roy Thomson Hall, Easily reachable from public transport or travel almost entirely from underground in the PATH system from St Andrew subway station to keep you out of winter weather if required. The Royal theatre was built in 1907 and was granted the Royal designation by King Edward VII. The stage has a giant turntable which is used in this production.

About a dozen actors/singers, plus musicians take part in this production, each assuming multiple parts, quickly slipping from one character to another by adding a coat or other piece of costume. The set consists of only tables and chairs which are rearranged as required to move from a Tim Hortons, to a plane load of people to a school bus, to other locations. A giant turntable is right in the centre of the stage and it is put to use several times in the show as the actors walk or move around the rotating circle.

Some viewers can feel a little underwhelmed because of the build up to the play as it has been hyped for years, so forget the reviews and just enjoy Come From Away. The play is in one act, continuous for approximately 100 minutes.

Dates: Now thru April 6, 2025
Royal Alexandra Theatre
260 King St W, Toronto
ON, M5V 1H9

Performance Schedule
Monday & Tuesday: Dark
Wednesday: 1:30PM & 7:30PM
Thursday: 7:30PM
Friday: 1:30PM & 8PM
Saturday: 2PM & 8PM
Sunday: 2PM

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