Friday, January 03, 2025

Distillery District Illuminarium brings SPACE to life

I love when you can go outside and see the stars shining and I look up and try to find Orion's belt, then if you go up north sometimes you can see the cloudy Milky Way. In the Distillery District you can check out the Illuminarium which is putting on a couple of shows, like Lite-Brite, Journey to OZ and also SPACE where you can get a chance to see the moon and stars a little closer than usual.
The shows are projected in one big room, from the ceiling and onto the floor and some of it is interactive, you can stomp on meteorites or leave footprints on the moon.
After the New Year entrance into the Distillery District is free so you just have to pay for the tickets into Illuminarium. We went on a Thursday and saw Journey to OZ and SPACE and there were a lot of children and it looks like they had fun at both of the viewings.

Journey to OZ with the yellow brick road
Wander around the historic neighbourhood while it is free and a little less crowded after the holidays, enjoy the vendors booths and the restaurants before the Winter Village is finished (I think by the end of this weekend).
See more of the village after the jump.

The DIOR Christmas tree

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