Friday, January 10, 2025

Comedians Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Gaffigan in Toronto

Comedians Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Gaffigan make it to Toronto for a two night show at Scotiabank Arena Thursday and Friday, January 9-10, 2025. The two famous comics are on a 10 show arena tour and we caught them on Thursday night.

Tom Poppa gets the laughs going

Jim Gaffigan's Instagram account shows "I’m super excited for my shows with @jerryseinfeld in Toronto (Tomorrow and Friday) Ottawa (Saturday) and Montreal (Sunday). Hope you can make it. Link in bio."

I was wondering who was the headliner and was very pleasantly surprised that comedian Tom Poppa joined the show as the opener, followed by Jim and the Jerry closed out the show.
Scotiabank Arena is the home of both the Maple Leafs and the Toronto Raptors and the seats remain a little too tight and uncomfortable for an evening of entertainment. The bonus is that the arena is very close to Union Station for the GO Train and the TTC.
Jerry Seinfeld and Jim Gaffigan share a stage at the beginning, even doing a bit about simultaneous comedy, however it was too confusing so they parted company and Jim took centre stage.
Jim Gaffigan takes over the stage for his comedy

I personally loved Tom Papa and Jim Gaffigan as I found Jerry sometimes too angry and a little too shouty, but no "what's the deal with that". Overall the night was great, laughed a lot and enjoyed the show immensely.

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