Thursday, June 06, 2024

Toronto Underpass Park: Art, Play and Farmers Market

The dark and dingy underside of multiple elevated roadways in the West Don Lands/Corktown, just west of the Don Valley Parkway, was made over into a community park in 2015. This was the first underpass park, the second was the Bentway under the Gardiner which opened in 2018.
Bold art murals and mirrors on the ceiling were the first things that drew my eyes, then you notice the playgrounds and across the street, a skateboard park and twin basketball half-courts. There is also a sign about the Underpass Park Farmers Market which runs May 23 to October 17, 2024 between 4pm to 7:30pm. The market began in 2017 and has no charge to attend and is a volunteer run, non-profit community market.

Artist Paul Raff Studios created the murals painted onto the massive concrete columns and supports reflected in the mirrors that are on the bottom of the elevated sections of Eastern Avenue, Richmond and Adelaide. The 57 octagonal mirrors made of stainless steel is called Mirage by Paul as well.

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