Sunday, February 28, 2021

It feels like Spring is back in Toronto

The dog days of winter have passed us by and the sun has kissed our faces and even though winter still has a couple weeks left, it seems like Spring has returned - don't forget that Wiarton Willie predicted an early Spring this year! Well Spring officially hits town on Saturday, March 20, 2021 and afterwards one of the best things about Spring will happen - cherry and other fruit trees will blossom in an explosion of colour. Here are some pictures of blossoms from previous years to remind you of the beauty of Spring.

Usually the blossoms peak in late April or early May so it will be awhile still. Until then enjoy the lengthening days and the warmer temperatures and the thought that the covid vaccines will someday be protecting all the people around the world.

Covid won't stop the blossoms but it might stop us from visiting some of the locations, like High Park, that have an abundance of the flowering trees. The City of Toronto has cancelled major events until Canada Day (at the minimum) and for thousands of visitors to the Cherry Blossom Festivals this means that we will be admiring the flowers virtually once again this year.

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