Thursday, March 04, 2021

New Fence at Dundas Peak

In 2020 the Hamilton Conservation Area decided to put up a fence around the Dundas Peak lookout to improve safety. I worried that the views would really be restricted, however the fencing still allows great views into the adjacent river valley and over the city of Hamilton. The old wall near the edge of the Peak was taken down but the opportunity for death by misadventure has been reduced.

The Peak's viewing area
Views looking down towards the city of Hamilton

And while fall is the best time to visit the scenic lookout and Tew Falls right now is probably the logical time to drop by. The crowds are miniscule, the parking lot is available to park in ($15.50 parking fee that you pay by machine at the entrance) - no going to another park, paying a bunch of fees, waiting for a bus, then taking the bus to the conservation area.

There used to be a double row of parking but it looks like only half the parking remains

From the HAC Spencer Gorge Conservation Area website, "Reservations have now closed for the season. Parking lots at Webster Falls and Tew Falls are now open on a first-come, first serve basis. There is an auto gate at Tew Falls, and a pay and display machine at Webster Falls. Passholders now receive admission as usual to the areas."

There is a small section of wood fence where they detoured the old trail

The trails to the peak are a mix of hard slush covered snow and parts that are just muddy but with warming temperatures the hike will soon be all mud. It can be a little slippery so be careful - the trail leads right along the edge of the escarpment and there is no fence to stop you, just the trees you might grab on the way down.

Tew Falls

See more photos after the jump.

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