Saturday, January 02, 2021

Protests in Toronto January 2nd, 2021

New year is here and so are the protests. The teachers had a Queen's Park car caravan protest and at two separate groups gathered, them marched onto city streets. The anti-lockdown protestors shouted out, waved flags and banners and handed out leaflets. The two groups are definitely on the opposite side of the impacts of covid.

The teachers were protesting lack of COVID precautions and support during their event, while two groups protested about the lockdown and assorted restrictions to freedom - one at Yonge and Dundas and the other starting at Nathan Phillips Square. They later joined together and apparently they are 
gathering every Saturday in Toronto.

Police were out in force, mostly bicycle officers, to control traffic as the protestors walked down the busy city streets, taking up one-half of the roadway. The freedom side seems to think that COVID is a fake problem, then they get into a crapload of conspiracies including the good old microchipping and vaccine issues and add in a dash of 5G concerns. Let's hope that everyone remains peaceful.

See more photos after the jump.

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