Sunday, September 20, 2020

St. Jacobs Farmers Market tourist destination

A quick day trip on a beautiful Thursday or Saturday brings you to the famous St. Jacobs Farmers Market along with the Market Building, Market Tent and Peddlers Village in the heart of farm country. The tourist and shopping destination re-opened on June 4, 2020 and is now open Thursdays and Saturdays from 7am to 3pm all year long.

On a sunny Saturday the highways and parking lots fill up as people flock to the area, looking for fresh Ontario produce or maybe an antique, or just to explore the market. The fenced off farmers market takes up much of the parking lot but there are a few parking locations nearby that are easy walking to the site.

After the market many of the visitors head over to the small town of St. Jacobs, looking at the interesting stores, standing in line at the bakery or finishing off the day with a nice dinner at a local restaurant.

The famous broom store
There is a tree filled with strings of beads

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