Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Psychedelic tunnel and the Don Valley Trail

The Corktown Common underpass brings the Lower Don River Trail into Toronto's Canary District and it is very hard to miss. Bright red, yellow and white stand in contrast to the black bars, both inside and outside the structure rival the Don Valley Parkway rainbow tunnel.

This bridge has a stripes and polka dots lining the concrete supports
Fall colours along the pathway

See more of the Don Valley path after the jump.

Prince Edward Viaduct, also known as the Bloor Viaduct
The TTC Bloor Street subway runs under the bridge deck

Graffiti selfie
The heavy weekend rainfall swells the river. There is a slight dam like structure under this wave of water, usually visible during normal flow

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1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'm the web developer for No Trains in Parks, (https://www.notrainsinparks.ca/), an organization that is trying to raise awareness about Metrolinx's plans to put a train service yard in the Lower Don Valley Ravine. This would destroy one of the most beautiful stretches of ravine that Toronto has to offer. I would love to use your photos to feature the beauty of the Don Valley on notrainsinparks.ca, would you grant No Trains in Parks permission to feature your photos, with credit of course?

Please let me know!

All the best,
Val Masters

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