Saturday, September 01, 2018

Toronto's CIAS 2018 Air Show

The Canadian National Exhibition's aerial show comes to the skies just outside the inner harbour of Lake Ontario, to the west of Ontario Place. Starting Saturday, September 1 and finishing on the Labour Day Monday from noon-3pm daily the show features some of the best acrobatic talent in the world.
 A Snowbird in the wild
A two-star American General
CF18 demonstration jet

The order of planes is as follows.

United States Air Force Thunderbirds
Mike Wiskus - Pitts
Kyle Fowler - Long EZE
Gord Price - Yak 50
CF18 Hornet
USAF F- 35/P51 Mustang (heritage flights)
Martin Hivon - Christian Eagle
Mike Tryggvason - Giles 202
Canadian Forces Snowbirds
The Snowbirds enter centre stage after crossing the city

Centre stage is actually a City of Toronto fire and rescue boat which started up their flames of water at about 11:30am. First up is USAF Thunderbirds which have a great colour scheme.

Another fantastic CIAS show. They are asking people to post pictures with #cias and #lovethenoise hashtags in support of the air show.

See more photos after the jump.

Pitts Special smoke bombing the fire boat
The Long EZE
Heritage flight - P51Mustang and the F-35


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