Saturday, January 03, 2015

#Toronto Motorcycle SuperShow 2015

Santa brought the 'Big One by the Airport" for New Years for all the good (and bad) bikers, and as the winter weather has been proving of late - it's better to be indoors at the SuperShow than fitting your motorcycle with snow tires! And even though the bikes are in storage, now is the best time to look at all the new bikes and accessories so that when Spring arrives you can get back on the road without delay. As always, the choppers and custom bikes in Hall 5 were my favourite and over $50,000 in cash and prizes were given away in the Canada Cup Championship Custom Show Bike Competition.

The 39th annual North American International Motorcycle SuperShow fills 7 halls at the Toronto International Centre with almost a half a million square feet of displays from Friday to Sunday, January 2-4, 2015. So many people come to this show that the massive amount of on-site free parking is full, but we managed to squeeze into the alternate parking at the adjacent GO Transit parking lot near Hall 3.
After hours spent walking the giant halls we settled in to the food and beverage area in Hall 5 and listened to live band the Carpet Frogs while we waited for the Terez Leathers and Toronto Dymes fashion shows.
In addition to motorcycle clubs, motorcycle manufacturer showcases and the fashion shows there was also a display from the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park promoting their Auaust 14-16 Canadian Superbike Doubleheader Weekend. Inside Motorcycles was offering free back issues and new subscription show special deals. I also like the opportunity to pick up a copy of The Riders Mag which usually include some interesting reader photo submissions.
"EVERYTHING FOR MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIASTS! A true shopping extravaganza, the Motorcycle SUPERSHOW hosts hundreds of exhibits. In addition to the unveiling of the new Motorcycles the Motorcycle SUPERSHOW has the largest display of Motorcycles, Non-current and Pre-owned Bikes, Aftermarket Parts and Accessories, Rider Apparel and Helmets, Performance Equipment, Trailers, Travel Destinations, Custom Bike Builders, and a full range of Leather Fashions. The Motorcycle SUPERSHOW offers the largest marketplace in North America for Everything in Motorcycling."

AMS Oil 

Posted by Joe Hamilton and James Hamilton. See more motorcycles after the jump.

Hooters ladies

Mandy Monroe returned to autograph her calenders and photos
Onespeed ladies

OSM (On Snow Magazine)
Canadian Hotties calendar ladies were selling their calendars as well
Kawasaki models from Backwoods Promotions
Motorcycle Enhancements

Diamond and Diamond lawyers booth
And more from the fashion shows

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