Thursday, September 25, 2014


Shuffling down Yonge Street in #Toronto was a horrifying zombie horde. Then mixed in with theses regular commuters walking to work were the undead! I couldn't immediately tell which set were scarier, but then I noticed that some of the undead were clowns and ran screaming into the Eaton Centre.
When I stopped at Nathan Phillips Square I found some of the zombies and thought that they were promoting the upcoming Toronto Zombie Walk scheduled for Saturday, October 25, 2014. Don't forget that the Zombie Walk is in need of additional funding. "The Toronto Zombie Walk and Halloween Parade is the largest free Halloween event in Toronto. The event is run by a small group of volunteers, who spend their whole year raising the dead and money to support this event and keep it free and inclusive. With it's continued growth costs have gone up exponentially. Despite continued fundraising activities, searches to find sponsors, and grant applications the Toronto Zombie Walk is still $7000 under budget and has only 6 weeks to raise the total funds for the event."
Asking a zombie what they were promoting I was told it was for the Halloween Haunt at Canada's Wonderland.

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