Sunday, September 21, 2014

Smoke over the Fair

You can feel the 4x4 pickups trucks wind up their engines after the vehicles are hitched to the sledge, like a husky hitched to a dog sled, the exhaust goes from a slight grey puff of smoke to a thick black cloud that casts a shadow over a big part of the truck pulling area.
Sunday's Highway Truck Pull was cancelled during the morning's torrential downpour. But after borrowing a pump from the fire department the volunteers moved the water off the track and with an hour and a half delay the pulling began again with some Antique Tractor Pulls, which also included the steam tractor.
The Diesel Doctor is a big participant to the 4x4 Truck pulls and many of the trucks have really excessive smoke problems. Ordinarily this would be annoying, you know the earth and all, but during the truck pulls the billowing pillars of black shooting out of the chrome exhaust pipes make the show much more exciting.

At the Acton Agricultural Society Fall Fair 2014 the Sunday gates looked a little slow in the morning as visitors kept out of the rain and many avoided the rides. But after the rain, the sun came out and warmed up and the people returned to the fair.

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