Monday, March 10, 2014

Piano Man Billy Joel returns to #Toronto

Joining tens of thousands of fans at the Air Canada Centre on Sunday I watched Billy Joel once again pound out songs on the keys of his rotating piano. After seeing Billy perform with Elton John in 2009 we couldn't wait for the New York City native to return to the Big Smoke and quickly snatched up some tickets to the March 9, 2014 show.
At first they kept the crowds away from the stage, but after close to an hour they let people move close to the star
His set list included: Miami 2017 (Seen the Lights Go Out on Broadway), Pressure, The Entertainer, Vienna, Zanzibar, And So It Goes, Allentown, The Downeaster Alexa, New York State of Mind, Sometimes a Fantasy, Movin’ Out (Anthony’s Song), She’s Always a Woman, Don’t Ask Me Why, River Of Dreams/Hard Days Night, Scenes From an Italian Restaurant and Piano Man (his first hit song, released in 1973). His encore featured We Didn’t Start The Fire, Uptown Girl, It’s Still Rock and Roll to Me, You May Be Right and Only the Good Die Young. Billy had hits from the 1970s into the 1990s and many of us had grown up listening to his songs on the radio.
The 64 year old star joked that most people retired at 65, yet he was still out singing on the road - looking like his father. He played a lot of songs that weren't hits at the beginning of his set, but quickly moved into his chart topping hits that got the crowd moving.

Billy is a multi-talented musician and can play the piano, keyboard, guitar, harmonica and accordion. It was hilarious when he halted We Didn't Start the Fire after screwing up the words to the fast paced song. He was willing to go right to another song, but after getting back in the rhythm he finished the song - saying it was one of his worst melodies he has written.
Jon McLaughlin and his band from Indiana, USA opened for Billy Joel.
Jon McLaughlin on Billy's piano

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