Saturday, February 15, 2014

Albion Falls in the winter

The sun was shining and temperatures were a little higher than the arctic chill that we have been experiencing lately so it was off to waterfall city to check out Albion Falls. The escarpment that cuts Hamilton in half has a lot of waterfalls with varying levels of difficulty in getting to the base of the falls. The trail that goes to the falls has always been a little tricky but we noticed that the official trail has been permanently closed.
From the city of waterfalls site, "Albion Falls is a Complex Classic Cascade waterfall 19 metres in height. Located at the southernmost tip of King's Forest Park in Hamilton, its source is Red Hill Creek. Albion Falls enjoys year-round flow. Albion Falls is the premier waterfall in Hamilton's east end."
The band of red in the layers of limestone and shale is really striking among the grey of the exposed cliffs

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