Wednesday, January 01, 2014

#Toronto Polar Bear Dip 2014

Waking up people with an exhilarating splash in frigid Lake Ontario is one of the benefits of the Habitat for Humanity Polar Bear Dip at Sunnyside Beach and Pavilion. Dozens of bathers kept bundled up for as long as possible in freezing temperatures that approached minus 22 degrees Celsius with the wind chill. Starting just shortly after 12 pm the bathers lined up, gathered their courage and launched themselves in the water that was filling up with chunks of floating ice.
The Toronto Polar Bear Club was established in 2005 and has continued to chill participants throughout the years while raising money for Habitat for Humanity: "By participating in the Polar Bear Dip, you can give “a hand up not a hand out” to families in need. Habitat for Humanity Toronto works in partnership with families who are working to escape sub-standard, poverty housing. With the help of generous donors and energetic volunteers, Habitat has built more than 100 homes in Toronto. Since 2005 the Toronto Polar Bear Dip has raised in excess of $130,000 - funds that have gone directly to build projects in Toronto. We look forward to seeing you on the 1st!"
Lining up for the plunge
The dippers hit the water at a fast clip
Time to head back in and warm up
Stanley Cup gets ready for a swim
Baby icebergs flow into the harbour, pushed by wind

Streakin' Speedsters

Posted by James Hamilton and Joe Hamilton. See more dippers after the jump.

Bikini girls get interviewed by CP24 after their long swim

Walking on water

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