CTV threw a party down at City Hall to celebrate the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. From 1pm to 6pm in Nathan Phillips Square musical guests Justin Hines, Fefe Dobson and the Barenaked Ladies performed for the large crowd. The weather was perfect for the event and the sun came out for most of the show.
Here is Fefe Dobson rocking the crowd. She had a loud band and a booming voice. Then when she finished a song she let out a thank you in a little voice.
The famous Barenaked Ladies wrapped up the concert with some old and new songs. They do a great show with plenty of fun interaction with the audience. They made up songs about waking up the hotel when they did an early sound check at 8am. Here are Tyler Stewart on drums, Jim Creeggan on bass and Ed Robertson on guitar. I miss Steven Page and wish he was still with the band.
CTV news personalities were on hand to announce and to report on the events held during the celebration. Here is a very serious reporter Alicia Markson and also News Anchor Ken Shaw.
Coca-Cola and Red Bull were giving out some free samples.
Member of Parliament Olivia Chow and husband Jack Layton, Member of Parliament and leader of the Federal NDP Party dropped by for the celebration.
Some of the Activities:
Canadian Olympic Team Winter Gaming Zone
The Globe and Mail Front Page Photo Area
MuchMusic Celebration Theatre
RBC Olympic Ice Hockey Shoot-out
Curling Experience
Leave Your Mark, Canada!
Olympic and Paralympic Athlete Celebration Tent
CTV Aerial Show
Beer & Wine Garden
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