Friday, October 13, 2017

Pirate Life in Toronto

A galleon armed to the teeth and flying the skull and crossbones flag cruised the inner harbour blasting streams of water from canons mounted along the edge of the ship. The brigantine was decked out with swivel guns that could be brought to bear on multiple targets and the crew manning the galley put the weapons to good use. I saw them as the slipped into the pier along Sugar Beach.
The crew were apparently searching for sunken treasure on the adventure cruise with a short timeline in September and October. Like dinner theatre without the dinner the pirates dressed in costume, had tattoos and pirate names and fired away while shouting arrrgh.
It was the first time I saw the ship and its scurvy crew in Lake Ontario and I was happy that they didn't try to attack me. Our waterfront has some other great attractions and ships to sail in so I always like to bike along Queen's Quay.

See more of lakefront after the jump.

Rent some boats
The CN Tower and Rogers Centre are within easy walking distance
Sundial Folly sculpture
Sugar Beach
And the pirates search out their next target

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