Thursday, July 28, 2011

Happy Days back in Nathan Phillips Square

The construction underway in Toronto City Hall's Nathan Phillips Square kind of hindered the fun that you could have in the open space. But summer has brought back a couple of days that make the concrete square fun again - makes you think of something besides the pond, arches and the curved City Hall buildings. The recurring special days are Fresh Wednesdays (July 13-Aug 31, 2011) and Tasty Thursdays (July 14-Sept 1, 2011). For those close to Mel Lastman Square in North York you can take in Sunday Serenades (from 7:30 pm to 9 pm, July 10-Aug 21, 2011).
Fresh Wednesdays feature a Farmers' Market from 10 am to 2 pm and Fresh Concerts from noon to 2 pm. Tasty Thursdays have Tasty Food from 11 am to 2 pm (each meal is available for $7 or less) and Tasty Concerts from noon to 2 pm. When lunch hour hits the lines up grow pretty long so get there early.
A mounted Toronto Police Officer meets the tourists at City Hall.

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