Sunday, July 10, 2022

Distillery District film festival and art statues

Comfortable black or white sofas line the main road in the district looking towards a movie screen is part of the Lavazza IncluCity Festival which continues until July 16. The outdoor cinema has films from over 20 countries featuring international movies celebrating multiculturalism.

From the Distillery District's website: "Featuring films from over 20 countries, the Lavazza IncluCity Film Festival will offer a cinematic experience full of special guest appearances, stellar red carpets, and unique cocktail experiences all under the stars in the arts and cultural hub of Toronto."
There are also a line of quirky, colourful statues along Gristmill Lane which is an art exhibit called 6IX Art Outdoors. The 13 figures are over 7 feet tall and painted by multicultural artists.

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