Monday, October 04, 2021

Toronto Bike Rave 2021: Nuit Blanche Art Ride Cruise

A hundred riders lit up with LED lights cruised the City of Toronto on the night Nuit Blanche 2021, the all night art event, was supposed to be held before it was cancelled once again due to Covid restrictions. I joined Steve D'Silva of the Neon Riders group for a Toronto Bike Rave starting in Nathan Phillips Square at 7pm on Saturday, October 2, 2021. Many of the bikers also dressed up as skeletons as we celebrated the memory of Nuit Blanche with an unofficial alternative to the cancelled art festival.

Steve D'Silva
Bikers start to gather in Nathan Phillips Square

We hung out at the square for about a half hour before hitting the road in our night busting lighting accessories, following Steve as we headed to Matt Cohen Park to join up with the Toronto Cruisers group for the Nuit Blanche Art Ride cruise. As one big group we left the park at Spadina and Bloor around 8pm and began our journey through the streets and alleys of the city as we journeyed to various art installations or projects scattered throughout downtown Toronto, accompanied with music from some of the mobile DJs that were in the group.

Joining the Toronto Cruisers in Matt Cohen Park
While the route was unknown to most of the riders it was a night similar to the normal Nuit Blanche (just with less crowds), some of the art was amazing and some of it was a question of 'is this art?' Some of the highlights included the installations included in the Geary Art Crawl.  On this night though the best art was the large group of illuminated bike riders on the Art Ride cruise and as we passed crowds on the streets or on patios they cheered us on and took plenty of photos and videos of the ride.

See more photos of the night's adventure after the jump.
Stopping for a bit in Yorkville
Some of the many alleys looking at graffiti

I was surprised when we brought our bikes through a building during ART SPIN and found 'Sleeping Giants' by Max Streicher picture above, along with 'Disquiet Under Your Skin' by Maria Flawia Litwin.

Taking a break for the rave portion of the night

What's Normal Anyway mural
Checking out the tennis court art at Trinity Bellwoods Park
Riding the circular pathway at College Park
Riding through the art installation 'Portals' at College Park
Passing through Ryerson Campus

The Nuit Blanche Art Ride Cruise lasted until some time after midnight, which is an early night for the normal Nuit Blanche evenings. These rides are a lot of fun and I would recommend you look at joining the Neon Riders or Toronto Cruisers for one or more of their group rides.

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