Saturday, November 07, 2020

Coronavirus can't slow down Christmas

We might not be able to party and gather in crowds, but we can still decorate Toronto like Santa Claus is coming to town. Early sign s of the upcoming holiday season are popping up all over the city including down at City Hall, Commerce Court and in the historic Distillery District.

The illuminated, aluminum trees are up at Commerce Court

Putting up the Christmas lights at City Hall. The tree is still to come
And now the tree is up

From the city's website, "The City of Toronto has extended the cancellation of City-led and City-permitted outdoor major events through December 31 due to COVID-19. All outdoor special events, including Cavalcade of Lights, are cancelled during this time period. Cavalcade of Lights is an annual event that marks the official start to the holiday season in Toronto. It features the lighting of Toronto’s 50-foot (15-metre) Christmas tree, live musical performances, a skating party, and a spectacular fireworks display."

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