Monday, October 12, 2020

Ontario Place Winter Light Exhibition 2021?

Will the free Winter Light Exhibition take place on the West Island in the new year? Covid seems to have taken out a lot of events, especially as the second wave has started ramping up those with the coronavirus, but hopefully social distance events can still occur. One of the lighting exhibits remains suspended waiting for the next light show ('Thought' by Collective: oneandoneandone x Reila pictured at top).



Replying to
Hi there. There are currently no plans for Aurora to return this Winter. We are working on seeing what a Winter Light Exhibition could look like with Covid regulations and what impact that might have. Please keep an eye on our website and social channels for updates!

The pods at Ontario Place

The exhibition usually takes place from February to March, running daily from 4pm to 11pm. So far the listed events for Ontario Place only go into October of 2020 so we will have to wait for further word on the upcoming schedule.

In the meantime what is up with the remaining tower base from a water slide from a park that closed in 2011? This is the first time that I actually went up to the structure and it occupies an imposing space on the island, it cost $750,000 to build. You can't climb the structure as gates block progress up the tower. The slides were removed in 2016 and only the steel tower from the attraction. Ontario Place opened in 1971, closed in 2012 and only reopened for events in July of 2020. I think we will have to hear of the redevelopment plans to see what will happen with the remnants from the old theme park.

You can still use the long, enclosed walkway between the Cinesphere and the west entrance

See more of Ontario Place in Fall after the jump.

The abandoned Wilderness Adventure Ride

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