Thursday, May 28, 2020

DROM Taberna on Queen St W

There is a tavern in downtown Toronto, made for travelers, whose name means 'safe journey'. It is located at 458 Queen Street West and it is open for takeout and pickup orders. The reason I noticed this tavern is because across from the tavern, plastered over a former KFC's windows were posters advertising DROM and a lady with a gorgeous hat and cool dress started colouring the DROM poster.
From their website: "DROM Taberna is a heartfelt homage to places that we came from, have traveled to, or have never been - the lands that stretch from the Baltic to the Balkans to the Black Sea. Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belorus, Czeska Republika, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Georgia. The golden thread that ties this soil together is the Romani people. From the deserts of India, over mountain and sea in their westward journey, the gypsies brought the traveller spirit to many gadjo.
That is us, finding community amongst strangers, joy in the face of adversity, immigrant souls eating, drinking and playing music together."

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