Friday, March 20, 2020

Toronto Anti-Social Series 2020

Music and Arts will find a way. As gatherings are cancelled due to the Covid-19 social distancing and self isolation requirements during this state of emergency and pandemic in Ontario, URGNT LIVE has created a crowd-funded livestream concert series to play in closed concert venues - without a live audience. What an outstanding way to bring people together in spirit and help others during these trying times.

The musical series was started by Mark Marczyk from the Lemon Bucket Orchestra and will feature 19 Toronto acts over the 19 weeks. The 30 to 40 minute concerts will be livestreamed and will help artists whose work has been cancelled due to the virus. You can support URGNT's efforts by donating on their GoFundMe campaign.

It all starts at 7pm on Friday, March 20, 2020 with Measha Brueggergosman live from the Great Hall on Queen Street West in Toronto. You can watch the show on URGNTiHeartradioMacleans, or Facebook Live.

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