Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Toronto Comicon 2020 cancelled

In a world with superheroes there must be villains that have to be beaten. For our times the Covid-19 virus is the foe and we must all fight to reduce the curve, however that means that sacrifices must be made to help society and as a result the Toronto Comicon scheduled for March 20-22 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre is cancelled.

From the comicon website; "Hey Fans, In response to recommendations by Health Canada on the risks associated with mass gatherings as it relates to COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Toronto Comicon. Our thoughts are with our entire community who have been impacted by this unprecedented challenge. Our duty to you is to work year-round to deliver the ultimate fan experience. We are passionate about our fans and committed to creating a safe space for everyone across all genres to gather. We look forward to seeing you at FAN EXPO Canada August 27 - 30 where we can come together again to celebrate fandom."

So rather than being to sad it is instead time to look back upon some of the other seasons and look forward to the return of Comicon.

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