Monday, January 13, 2020

Toronto Film Critics Best Canadian Film Award

With 2019 wrapped up, the Toronto Film Critics Association reviewed the eligible contenders and determined the winner of the Best Canadian Film Award 2019 to be 'The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open'. The winning movie was a drama, directed by Kathleen Hepburn and Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers which told the story of a friendship between indigenous women of different backgrounds. Author Margaret Atwood presented the award which also comes with a monetary prize of $100,000. In the picture at top: Phil Lind, Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers, Peter Howell, Kathleen Hepburn with award presenter Margaret Atwood (far right) at the Awards. Photo by George Pimentel Photography.

The Toronto Film Critics Association (TFCA) Best Canadian Film category required films released in Canada in 2019, plus films that qualify for the upcoming Oscars and are released by the end of February 2020. The TFCA, established in 1997, is made up of Toronto based broadcasters and journalists who are film critics.

"The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open is an adventurous work shot in real time on 16mm film. It co-stars Violet Nelson as a pregnant young woman fleeing an abusive relationship and was previously named one of the top 10 Canadian movies of the year by the Toronto International Film Festival. “The title is poetic, but the story is grounded in the bone-deep reality that animates the best of Canadian film," TFCA President Peter Howell said of The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open. "TFCA members responded to its empathy, honesty and social currency, as will anyone who views it."

“It’s incredibly satisfying to see the TFCA’s critics celebrate a vital Indigenous story directed by two women working on the cutting edge of Canadian cinema,” said Rogers Vice-Chair Phil Lind. “The originality, emotional power and sheer nerve of The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open is exactly what this award is designed to encourage."

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