Sunday, October 21, 2018

Beamers Falls in Grimsby

Another Niagara Escarpment waterfall fed by Forty Mile Creek in Grimsby, Ontario lies along a side trail of the Bruce Trail with an upper and lower Beamer Falls. This cascading waterfall can be found on the web as both Beamer and Beamers Falls and is located beside Ridge Road West and there are nearby parking lots.
The top of the falls looking into the gorge

There is a path down to the base of the falls along the top of the gorge, however it is a difficult climb with steep slopes, loose rubble and muddy terrain, so be extremely careful. You can also climb up the falls but that is also very slippery.
Entering the escarpment trail off of Gibson Street
War of 1812 marker

Access to the falls can also be made from the Bruce Trail Beamer Falls side trail which can be reached from the Iroquoia Club section on Gibson Street. When you pass by the cool garage you come upon a War of 1812 memorial marker.
The climb up the escarpment is made easier by all the steps built into the path, but it is still a good workout. Think of the trip back down. 

See more of the visit after the jump.

Fall colours on the route
The Niagara Escarpment in Grimsby
A maple leaf sits in a pool of green stuff at the falls
Forty Mile Creek - normal flow is pretty light until spring runoff
Creek marker and historic millstone

Some of the maple leafs found along the route

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