Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Toronto's Christmas Tree

A 60 foot tree was brought into Nathan Phillips Square November 6, 2017 and hoisted aloft by Weller Tree Service. Arriving at City Hall at 8am on a large flatbed trailer the rest of the morning was taken getting the tree upright and tied into place. Decorations will now be placed around the beast of a tree ahead of the Cavalcade of Lights.
Weller Tree Service has selected and installed the tree for several decades. It has to settle for three days before the decorations can start being placed, it does not require watering and will be recycled after the holiday season ends. It takes about two weeks for a crew of four to put up the decorations and lights around the tree.
"The 51st annual Cavalcade of Lights will launch the holiday season on November 25 at 7 p.m. at Nathan Phillips Square. The event will include a DJ skating party, the lighting of Toronto's official tree, live musical main stage performances, special pop-up performances and a spectacular fireworks display."

Cavalcade of Lights 2017

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