Sunday, August 13, 2017

Visit to the Parry Sound area

Traveling north on Highway 400, then Highway 69 brings you to the community of Parry Sound which is located on the eastern side of Georgian Bay and half way between Toronto and Sudbury. Cottages line the many shores of the inland lakes with roads cut through the Precambrian bedrock, winding along vast hardwood forests.
Summer brings families north to enjoy weekends and longer periods with plenty of watersports as part of the recreational activities. This stretch of Ontario, along with Haliburton and Muskoka are Toronto's vacation playground whether you use a tent, trailer or cottage.
Searching for turtles
We enjoyed the weekend, even with this year's abundance of rain and cool temperatures and took the kayaks out on McKellar Lake and Armstrong Lake. We were joined by lots of Canadian Geese and the occasional turtle sunning themselves along the shorelines filled with lily pads and their flowers.

See more of Ontario's cottage country after the jump.

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