Sunday, June 25, 2017

Toronto Pride Parade 2017

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, First Nations National Chief Perry Bellegarde and Mayor John Tory, pictured above, were near the front of Sunday's Pride Parade as it left from Church and Bloor Streets at 2pm. This year's parade did include a contingent of Black Lives Matter but they did not halt the march.

With the final parade and the end of the street festival, Pride Month 2017 is quickly winding down, rain only making the day more memorable as it came down by the buckets at noon. The moisture only slowed the festival down a bit, then it was back to full streets full of people enjoying the atmosphere of the Church Wellesley Village. Here are some more pictures of the StreetFest.

Crowds at Pride Parade
A 360 degree view of the crowds at Bloor and Church Street

See more of the street festival and Pride Parade after the jump.

Some unwanted onlookers took up large posters to protest the parade

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