Tuesday, June 06, 2017

D-Day Normandy Commemoration 2017

Kevin Frankish returned as the Master of Ceremony for the Toronto ceremony to remember D-Day and the Battle of Normandy on June 6. Rain delayed the start of the event and Kevin asked the audience to come up on stage and wait out the precipitation under cover.
D-Day veterans, Canadian Armed Forces, Paramedics, Firefighters, Toronto Police Pipe Band and many other groups joined in the Commemoration of the June 6 to August 25, 1944 Operation Overlord where Allied forces crossed the English Channel and attacked the Axis forces at Normandy, France. Canadians were assigned to Juno Beach.
A musical prelude started at noon and continued with a parade, a welcome speech by Kevin Frankish, a prayer and our National Anthem, followed by a D-Day Address and Proclamation by Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong followed by Keynote Speaker Trooper Edward Stafford of the Governor General's Horse Guards. Then a trumpet blew the Last Post and those in attendance reflected during Two Minutes of Silence. Afterwards there was a Lament, Reveille, The Act of Remembrance and God Save the Queen. Finally the Colour Parties marched off and the ceremony was over.

See more after the jump.

Looking down on Nathan Phillips Square and the ceremony

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