Friday, October 14, 2016

Fall in Eastern Ontario

Taking the southern route of the Trans-Canada Highway (ON-7) between the GTA and Ottawa is a great way to see some beautiful areas away from the limited access Highway 401 located closer to Lake Ontario. In Fall the trip is magnificent as you travel along tree lined hills with lakes and rivers providing plenty of photo opportunities. Peak colours have taken over the trees, but they won't last long so take a quick trip before winter makes the driving along the steep hills and curves a little bit treacherous with frost and snow.
I left Highway 7 to take Highway 41 north through to Renfrew and the hills became bigger, the rock cuts more frequent and the population density became much smaller. You pass by some nice parks like the Bon Echo Provincial Park and tourist picnic spots. This part of Ontario is not farm country by any stretch of the imagination. Hearty rocks of the Canadian Shield and the topography of the area make for plenty of swamps and heavy forests cover the ground, while along the 401 a lot of the acreage is farm fields.

See more of Fall after the jump.

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