Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Theresa Longo and the Ring of Fire

Mining Minute videos featuring marketing strategist, actress and model Theresa Longo have created quite a firestorm in the news as media outlets are crying out about her wearing a bikini during one of the videos. Maclean's, CTV, Huffington Post, local newspapers and other outlets have all carried articles specifically about the 'Interesting Facts about the Ring of Fire' YouTube video below.
The Toronto Star proclaims "Canadian mining company defends racy promo video slammed for being archaic" while the Toronto Sun suggests "Bikini-clad Ring of Fire video blasted as 'archaic'". Interesting enough, archaic means out of date or behind the times - using sex to sell, ironic indeed for the Toronto Sun which still maintains their Sunshine Girl and has featured Theresa as a Sunshine Girl on numerous occasions. Luckily it gives the papers a chance to show pictures of the girls. Her friend Ashley is also in the video and she has been a Sunshine Girl as well.
Theresa has made a number of the videos promoting KWG Resources where she interviews participants in the mining industry. They made the Ring of Fire fact video while up on vacation at a cottage and she refers to the uproar over the video on her twitter account: ‏"@TheresaLongo : Um @womenwhorockWWR why is everyone sexualizing it? We were @ the cottage (100 degrees)want us in coats? We were NOT trying to "be sexy" SMH"
I was lucky enough to photograph Theresa down at Toronto's Harbourfront area when she was being sexy and include some of the photos here, Otherwise you can check out the Mining Minute videos and learn about the geology, investment opportunities and job creation among the many topics explored in the series which are produced and hosted by Theresa.

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