Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Ice Storm Anniversary

The GTA was hit hard by freezing rain in 2013, bringing down trees onto hydro lines and vehicles. The shiny beauty on the 23rd looked like everything was covered in diamonds making it hard to believe the damage caused by a frigid Mother Nature. Here are some photos of the ice buildup from the 2013 storm. I am not sure if the anniversary gift is paper or ice cubes.
Tree limbs bend and break from the weight of the ice as it coats branches

Most of the power was lost from trees coming down on the hydro wires - not from the ice on the hydro lines

2015 seems to be slightly different. Rain and record breaking warm temperatures usher in the last countdown to Santa's special day. El Nino will leave a lot of Canada with a milder winter while Ontario will return to a classic winter during the second half of the season.

And on a related note - here are some bike couriers at the annual Icycle Race.

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