Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Adrenaline accepts Walkens

@AdrenalineTat2 Tattoos and Piercings has a funny sign on the sidewalk outside their Toronto establishment. Pedestrians passing by the Queen Street West address are greeted by a large photo of actor Christopher Walken with the phrase "We accept Walkens".
Apparently the distinctive face of the famous Christopher, known for his acting chops and his unique voice, wants people to walk-in for a tattoo, or possibly a body piercing. Made me want to walk right in and get inked, damn, good advertising works!

"Adrenaline Professional Body Piercing and Tattoos is one of Canada’s premier body modification studios, with locations in Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto. Adrenaline Toronto is home to many experienced tattoo artists and body piercers. We are more than happy to help out the first timer, or accommodate the avid collector. With such a diverse group of artists, you will be sure to find an artist that perfectly suits the style of tattooing that you are looking for."

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