Sunday, October 04, 2015

Les Rues des Refuses: Renegade Parade 2015

Part rave, part parade, full of smoke and with music pounding from the lead vehicle, the Nuit Blanche Renegade Parade was an enchanted night with the March of the Magical Creatures. Presented by The Rothko Institute and the party started 7pm at 104 Ossington Avenue with the float leaving around 8pm. The march was one of the highlights from the unofficial Nuit Blanche art events from Les Rues des Refuses.
Roaming Toronto's streets with a multi-platform float that held DJs and their massive mobile sound system and a coven of ravers, the vehicle generated smoke that blew away quickly in the strong winds.
"Join us for a magical procession as the Renegade Parade takes to the streets, spreading dragon fire and destruction across the city! Witches and Wizards do battle with magical creatures as DJs and fire spinners spread music and mayhem through downtown Toronto! The Canadian Ministry of Magic is issuing an emergency decree requiring all witches and wizards of sufficiently competent ability to assist in the tracking and capture of a flock of escaped magical creatures.  The Renegade Parade is a unique roaming art party."

See more scenes from the night after the jump.

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