Friday, November 01, 2024

Spirit Garden and Toronto City Hall in the Fall

Toronto is adding a Spirit Garden onto the west side of Nathan Phillips Square and it is shaping up nicely, especially as Fall colours are taking over the city hall property. The new park is dedicated to stepping closer to the Indigenous communities in a Call to Action with a highly visible space featuring and sharing the traditions of the Original Peoples.

From the City of Toronto, "The Spirit Garden also incorporates diverse elements that represent First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures, such as a Teaching Lodge, an amphitheatre, a Three Sisters seasonal garden, a Two Row Wampum walkway and more. The 20,650-square-foot garden serves as a space for contemplation, gatherings and spiritual ceremonies, open to all people seeking connection and understanding."

Featured art works and artists include a giant turtle sculpture in a reflecting pool, a wall with the names of 18 former residential schools in Ontario, a shiny 36-fool, stainless steel canoe, an Inuksuk symbol of guidance, etched Three Sisters artwork and a Teaching Lodge.

See more of city hall in autumn after the jump.

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