Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Fall and the return of Salmon Spawning in the Credit River

The salmon have reached up to Georgetown, Norval and beyond on their brutal quest upriver from Lake Ontario, heading to their spawning grounds along the Credit River. Early October is the peak spawing time as cooler lake temperatures and rainfall have added to the river making it possible for the large fish to make it upstream in the relatively shallow waters.

Youtube video of the Salmon Run
Fall colours are progressing nicely in the river valley

We parked at McNab Park on October 8, 2024, just off Highway adjacent to the Credit River on Noble Street and followed the path along the river where we started spotting the dark shadows in the water. The fish seem to gather their strength in deeper waters and make bursts of speed when they hit the shallows. The baby fish then swim downstream and live in Lake Ontario until it is there turn to make the trip back to their birth location.

Looking towards Highway 7

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