Monday, February 07, 2022

An old high tech newspaper box

I found this credit card friendly newspaper box many years ago, sitting proudly in front of Union Station. I don't remember it staying very long and I have never seen another in the financial district or around the Eaton Centre since. Maybe this high tech box started the newspaper on the road to ruin.

As newspapers go out of business or have moved to an online only model the boxes have been disappearing from the streets faster than you can say "time for a covid lockdown". Since this box made a brief appearance in Toronto the Sun Newspaper chain was sold to Postmedia.

According to News Media Canada about 19 million newspapers per week were circulated in Canada (free and paid, 2021 data) while in 2009 this number was almost 37 million, a slight drop of almost 50%. Things should pick up next week though!

You know what we also don't see much of anymore - it's the TRUMP building on Bay Street, seen in this photo being built. In 2017 the building was sold and rebranded.

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