Monday, November 01, 2021

The SteamPunkin Halloween in Toronto

Legend has it that a steampunk fairy godmother waved her wand and created a rolling pumpkin DJ booth pulled by a metal rat, crewed by Cruella Deville and her Dalmatian pack on this all hallows eve. Reality is that some very hard work went into the creation that is called The SteamPunkin and the DJs help to bring the mobile rave to life on October 31st, 2021.

Here is a closeup of the ROUS or Rodent of Unusual Size

Their facebook page notes that The SteamPunkin is "an artistic carriage combining a fusion of an old school fairytale coach, pulled by the zodiac year of the rat all wrapped into the futuristic world of the Victorian era, the sub-genre of Steampunk."

The party started on Church Street in the Village around 4pm, gathering some costumed revelers before heading through the streets of Toronto and ending up in Barbara Hall Park. It really is cool seeing the procession traveling along roads shared with everyday traffic and I am so glad that I was able to finally see The SteamPunkin in person. I was at the party early but as the day descends into darkness, the lights on the rat and the DJ Punkin turn into quite the light show.

The DJs were JD Mack, Amanda Raygun and Purpelle while Dr Draw performed with his electric violin. See more of the party after the jump.

Some vampires showed up to the party

Cruella Deville and the Dalmatian crew

Tis the season to be busy as their next event is part of Frostbite: White Party on November 6th.

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