Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Welland Canal to close for season in Jan 2021

One of our favourite social distancing trips is to the Welland Canal watching the big ships transit the H2O Highway between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Not too far from Toronto and also close to the Niagara area's wineries and other attractions. We will miss when cold weather shuts down the canal and the ships hunker down and wait out the grip of Canada's ice. You can see where the canal is closed and parts of the highway have been drained on my post here.
Hinged bridges open as the ship closes in on the QEW's Garden City Skyway
During winter they often empty parts of the canal for maintenance purposes

Normally the Welland Canal closes by the end of the year (Dec 31st) but in 2019 they started a pilot program to keep the canal open a little longer. The season was pushed into 2021 by an extra week and all vessels must be clear of the canal by January 8, 2021.

The Great Lakes - St Lawrence Seaway System, SEAWAY NOTICE NO. 1 - 2021 issued Feb 15:
The opening of the 2021 navigation season is scheduled to take place on the following dates and times: • Welland Canal: March 19, 2021 - 0800 hours (D.S.T.) • Montreal / Lake Ontario Section: March 22, 2021 - 0800 hours (D.S.T.)

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