Sunday, July 12, 2015

RAM Rodeo Tour - Orangeville

Cowgirls and cowboys were practicing their trade during the summer rodeo circuit at the Orangeville Fairgrounds. They weren't always successful, but they, and their horses, tried their best during the weekend event running rain or shine, July 11-12, 2015.
The gates of the fairgrounds opened at 11 am and one of the highlights of the day was the Horespower Live! Show "a family fun horse show featuring breeds of horses, trick riding and the Ontario Equestrian Federation Showcase (OEF) Summer Showcase. The weekend even featured a concert by Beverley Mahood and Leah Daniels.
The main RAM Rodeo performance started at 2 pm each day and included bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, steer wrestling, barrel racing and roping.

Posted by Joe Hamilton and James Hamilton. See more rodeo action after the jump.

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