Saturday, December 06, 2014

The shrinking of the World's Biggest Bookstore

#Toronto's ginormous bookstore closed in early 2014, another casualty of the printed word in an internet age, and the building itself is being demolished to make way for new development. The Edward Street building was not really the home to the World's biggest bookstore, but it did claim to carry more book titles than any other book store, now large steel beams lie twisted across the rubble piles that slowly get carted away.
Booklovers hangout Danger due to demolition
I walked the long sloping floors of the multi-level store a few times. Checking long rows of books held in various sections of the store, piles of books on tables and stacks of calendars made for hard choices for picking out suitable reading materials. The extensive real estate involved in the operation made for high rent costs in the middle of downtown and the need to stock so many books declined as internet sales expanded.

Some dogs wait by the fence 

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