Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bam, it's winter in #Toronto

Okay, I jumped on the upcoming frigid season a little too early but the sun has been scarce the last couple of weeks. Time that can usually be spent watching Fall foliage has become time spent under an umbrella instead. The multi-coloured leaves are mostly on the ground now and Daylight Savings Time arrives Sunday November 2, 2014 when clocks go from 2 am to 1 am.
Framework for the lights going up on the arches
The Weather Network says that "Halloween Snowfall possible in Southern Ontario" and below freezing temperatures expected this weekend. Already this year I have seen frost on the grass several times.
Fireworks at the Cavalcade

Meanwhile at City Hall the reflecting pool under the arches has been emptied and Christmas lights are being installed by municipal workers in anticipation of the Cavalcade of Lights. The Xmas festival is scheduled for Saturday, November 29 and will feature over half a million lights, fireworks and a giant Christmas Tree.
Some lights from previous years

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