Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Motorcycle Supershow 2015 in #Toronto this weekend

The holidays are over, time to rev up the excitement level with a visit to the North American International Motorcycle Supershow in seven giant halls at the Toronto International Centre from Jan 2-4, 2015. Come see live bands and special guests like Angelina Polska and Mandy Monroe at this year's show.

Highlights of the show will include the unvieling of the custom "Vincent Black Chopper" in the century of motorcycles display in Hall 4 along with meeting Nicole Winters, author of TT Full Throttle in Hall 3.

"Growing up with a learning disability, author Nicole Winters was neither a good student nor an avid reader. It wasn’t until she was assigned to read S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders did all that change. Devouring the novel in one day, she realized that the right story could engage even the most reluctant of readers. She went on to read a variety of subjects including hobbies, nonfiction and more. She realized her school marks were not an accurate reflection of her intelligence. This is a message she’d like all students who struggle in school to understand."

The Vincent Chopper is built in the “digger” style, the rake is 50 degrees with a tubular springer front end and 18” Weld Forge Wire wheels. The ‘Pickers’ engine is a 1948 Vincent HRD 1000cc Rapide with dual carbs and pipes. It will be seen for the first time at SUPERSHOW 2015.

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