Sunday, October 05, 2014

Gap Ecology at Nuit Blanche 214

I may not know art, but I can see palm trees in cherry pickers is right up there with Madonna and Child as one of the classics. The sculpture by David Brooks of New York City, USA poses high overhead at Queen Street West and John Street.
The work is described as "Herds of cherry pickers parallel the rainforest cycle. The passenger baskets of each lift are filled with palm trees - enacting their own bacchanalia above the streets of Toronto, as a beacon to passersby of the ongoing evolution in their built and natural environments."
As the sunsets over the Big Smoke people start to gather in Nathan Phillips Square and around City Hall which are home to nine Nuit Blanche art installations. A women reads the info sign for Performance Anxiety by the reflecting pond in the square.

Split Chorale for Viljo Revell, 2014 by Kathryn Andrews and Scott Benzel of Los Angeles, USA. The performance art piece features video montages and choral singers beamed onto the centre column of holding up the City of Toronto council chambers. While one guy gets a massage the guy in front ends up eating a bag of Lays potato chips.

Enjoying a car free Queen Street West

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