Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Olympic Cheerios

Cheerios invites Canadians to offer encouragement to our 2010 Winter Olympic athletes by sending in postcards to create a cheer wall. General Mills Canada, maker of the breakfast cereal, brought several athletes such as Snowboarder Jeff Batchelor, Women's Ice Hockey Gold Medalists Cheryl Pounder and Vicky Sunohara, Paralympian Wheelchair Racer Josh Cassidy and Olympic Gold Medal wrestler Carol Huynh to Yonge-Dundas Square. You can send your message to the Olympic Village c/o Canada Post Corporation, PO Box 15750 STN Terminal, Vancouver BC, V6B 0H9 or visit their website www.sendyourcheer.ca.

Here is hockey sensation and double Olympic Gold medalist Cheryl Pounder with some of her shiny hardware.

Olympic Mascosts Quatchi, Miga and Sumi were also on hand to meet and greet (and hug) the athletes and the public.

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