Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Toronto Raptors at Scotiabank Arena and boos for the US

WE THE NORTH came out to a Toronto Raptors game at Scotiabank Arena and as the opening preparations were underway we listened to the start of the United States' national anthem, where first one long boo rang out and then many in the crowd joined in. It was tentative at first, it's not like Canadians to protest like this, especially against someone we thought was a friend and partner but has since turned against our country to the north with threats and tariffs, just as the US has against Mexico with further threats against Greenland and Panama. And as the United States of America continues their plan to dismantle choice, equality and who knows what else, the world stands in shock and dismay for what the future holds, along with the choices a lot of countries will make in the wake of these attacks.

Heading to the Raptors vs LA Clippers game Feb 2, 2025
A Raptors art installation at the entrance along Raptors Way
Flames and fireworks illuminate the arena

Watching the athletes warming up, with the Raptors' mascot, surprisingly called Raptor, and the unfolding of the giant WE THE NORTH flag as it is propelled along the lower level by fans, makes for a great opening act. At certain times we were also treated to tiny little dancers called the T-dots, Raptors cheerleaders, teams helping out on in the aisles and giving out shirts and also a fun event called the baby run!

The Raptors did win on February 2nd, 115 to 108, so at least we got that going for us.

The individual signs spell out RAPS WIN

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